MR Bike Tours vs Physical Bike Tours

October 27, 2021

MR Bike Tours vs Physical Bike Tours

Biking is an enjoyable way to explore the outdoors, but what if you could experience all your favorite bike tours virtually with mixed reality technology? With COVID-19 still lingering around, more and more people are turning to virtual experiences, and mixed reality (MR) bike tours have emerged as a popular option. But how do they compare to physical bike tours? In this blog post, we will provide a factual and unbiased comparison between MR bike tours and physical bike tours.

Cost Comparison

Whether you're looking to rent a bike or join a guided bike tour, the cost can add up quickly. MR bike tours offer a more affordable alternative to physical bike tours. You only need access to a MR headset, which can cost anywhere from $300 to $1500, depending on the brand and model. On the other hand, physical bike tours can cost between $50 to $200+ for rentals, guide fee, and any additional expenses such as meals or entrance fees.

Accessibility Comparison

One major advantage of MR bike tours is their accessibility. While physical bike tours require you to be physically fit and able to ride a bike, MR bike tours can be experienced from the comfort of your home or a virtual studio. This makes it a great option for those who may not be able to ride a bike physically, or for those who want to experience the tour without having to travel to the location.

Experience Comparison

While MR bike tours offer an immersive virtual experience, they cannot replace the physical sensations and the scenery of a real bike tour. Physical bike tours allow you to experience nature directly and interact with sites in a way that MR tours simply can't replicate. For example, feeling the wind on your skin, the sun on your face, and the resistance of the pedals as you climb the hills.

Environmental Impact Comparison

Physical bike tours are environmentally friendly as they don't require any fossil fuel, and they are an eco-friendly transportation alternative. However, MR bike tours have zero environmental impact, as you don't need to move a bike anywhere. So if you're an environmentally conscious person or simply looking to reduce your carbon footprint, MR bike tours might be the way to go.


Both MR and physical bike tours have their strengths and weaknesses. The important thing is to consider what experience you are looking for, and what your constraints and needs are. Our final verdict? It depends. However, if you're looking for a convenient, affordable, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional bike tours, MR bike tours are an excellent option to consider.


  1. The Ultimate Guide to Mixed Reality by Christian Cawley
  2. 7 Reasons Why Virtual Bike Tours Are the Next Big Thing by Ride and Seek
  3. Eco-Friendly Bike Tours from Amsterdam to the European Cities by Ekster Antiques.

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